Komputera Ewr bi AWS

Modern web applications rely heavily on cloud computing services for their development and deployment, with containers and Kubernetes emerging as the preferred solutions. Kubernetes, or K8s, has revolutionised the deployment landscape since its inception by Google in 2014, enabling scalability and agility in managing microservices architectures.

In our journey towards building scalable and resilient applications, we've embraced Kubernetes as a core component of our development stack. Since 2019, Kubernetes has been instrumental in orchestrating our containerised applications, allowing us to leverage its robust features for seamless deployment and management. We've authored Dockerfiles, docker-compose configurations, and Helm/Terraform deployment scripts, running our pods locally on minikube clusters and leveraging AWS Kubernetes service, EKS, for production deployments.

Our commitment to cloud-native development extends beyond Kubernetes, encompassing a wide array of AWS services tailored to our clients' needs. AWS Lambda functions have empowered us to build serverless architectures, enabling event-driven, scalable applications without the overhead of managing infrastructure. EventBridge has facilitated event-driven architectures, simplifying the integration of disparate services and systems. DynamoDB has served as a cornerstone of our data storage solutions, offering scalable, low-latency NoSQL databases for our applications.

Furthermore, our adoption of OpenSearch, AWS's Elasticsearch solution, has enhanced our search capabilities, enabling real-time indexing and search functionalities for our applications. Leveraging EC2 instances, we've deployed and managed virtual servers to accommodate varying workloads and application requirements.

Our reliance on AWS and cloud computing services underscores our commitment to delivering scalable, resilient, and innovative solutions for our clients. Whether harnessing the power of serverless computing with AWS Lambda or orchestrating microservices with Kubernetes/EKS, we continuously strive to leverage cutting-edge technologies to drive value and success for our clients' projects.

Near Max

© 2024 Near Max Ltd

Near Max Ltd, kompaniya bi têkildarî 09222812 li Îngiltere û Walesê tê rekînandin. Navnîşa tê rekînandinê: Highwoods, Chinnor Hill, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX39 4BD.

Têkilî bike

Highwoods, Chinnor Hill, Oxfordshire, OX39 4BD, United Kingdom