UseState çawa dixebite?

19 JUNE 2022
UseState çawa dixebite?

useState adds state storage capability to React functional components; each component can maintain its own state using useState.

This is how you define a state in a component:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

export function MyComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  const handleIncrease = () => setCount(c => c + 1);
  return (
      <button onClick={handleIncrease}>Increase</button>
      <p>Count: {count}</p>

The key pitfall about useState is often the argument that goes into it. The argument to useState can be in either of the two shapes below:

The key point about the argument to useState is that it is only taken in at the component's initial render. For example, if you are passing a component prop as argument, useState will take the prop value only once; it won't update the state value if the prop value changes. If you need the state value to change upon prop change, then you would need a useEffect block and set the state in it.

On the other hand, if initial value of the state requires an expensive calculation, you would want to pass a function argument to useState as it will only run once to set the state's initial value.

The output of useState is an array: const [count, setCount] = useState(0);. The state is the first argument, count, and the setter is the latter. The setter can be used anywhere in the component to update its state; the argument to setter can be in two forms:

The setter doesn't update the state value immediately, it queues the update; that's the reason you need to use function argument if you need the previous state to set the current state. As in the example above, we pass a function argument to setCount, React calls the setter's argument function with the most recent value of the state.

The other useState pitfall is often about how it triggers a re-render. It will trigger a re-render only if the value passed to setter is different than the state value. If the state is an object/array, a new object/array must be created by spreading the previous state with the changes applied on the spread. React will replace the existing state with the new object/array.

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