
Dema Xebitandina JavaScriptê bi Node.js

Node.js has been integral to modern web development since its inception in 2009, changing the landscape by enabling the V8 engine to operate outside the browser. Its lightweight core, scalable non-blocking I/O capabilities, and active community of JavaScript developers have propelled it to the forefront of web innovation.

Our journey with Node.js began in 2016, utilising its capabilities to construct REST API endpoints using Express and Fastify. With Fastify, we developed Avro serialisers and observables for a web scraping application integrated with Kafka, ensuring efficient data processing and seamless communication within our microservices architecture. Additionally, Node.js played a pivotal role in our Next.js backend endpoints, facilitating seamless integration with databases like ElasticSearch to dynamically fetch and manipulate data.

Express, renowned for its simplicity and flexibility, has been our go-to package for Node applications for many years, empowering us to deliver engaging user experiences while seamlessly managing data flow and interactions. Furthermore, our adoption of Apollo Server with GraphQL resolvers ensures optimal performance and scalability for our clients' applications.

In our efforts to build reactive and responsive applications, we've worked extensively with databases such as ElasticSearch, Postgres, and MongoDB, harnessing Node.js's capabilities to efficiently interact with and manipulate data. Whether orchestrating microservices in Kubernetes clusters with Fastify or crafting dynamic GraphQL resolvers in Apollo Server, Node.js remains an essential component of our development stack, enabling us to deliver robust, scalable, and high-performance solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

Near Max

© 2024 Near Max Ltd

Near Max Ltd, kompaniya bi têkildarî 09222812 li Îngiltere û Walesê tê rekînandin. Navnîşa tê rekînandinê: Highwoods, Chinnor Hill, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX39 4BD.

Têkilî bike

Highwoods, Chinnor Hill, Oxfordshire, OX39 4BD, United Kingdom